Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Its Flat track wednesday
im sad that i wont be at davenport...


Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The Tank for the X-Wedge.

The Secret Weapon...
One of my oldest and best friends, Dana, a guy who taught me more than anyone about workin on bikes, said that I don't have enough gratuitous sex on my blog
Dana, here you go!


I still need a solo seat for an FXR if anybody has one...

Pink Panties

Ty, with Jeff Wrights 100ci shovel

not sure about that hand...

Nicole with my pan


Ty again! You can see more of her on her website.

You get the picture...

Monday, August 27, 2007

I am having flashbacks to 1989 when i was riding a 67 BSA lightning daily...

and even then having wiring problems

I NEED AN FXR SOLO SEAT!!! anyone have one? if so email me at

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Uhhh, a panda bear?


hell yeah!

Damn, ALL the chicks love Danny

Saturday, August 25, 2007

The one and only Eric Maaske
May he Rest in peace, I miss him dearly.

When he did my knuckles

The rest of his stuff is from his collection of tattoo stuff and flash and pix.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Donnie Baird's of Imperial Customs, 1963 Olds

Drag Triumph

Bridget the Midget!

this single loop knuck is unbelieveable

drag sporty

the original paintjob

Hanford 01