
Yass and Makonabe!

The gas cap of insanity, or, the submarine cam lock insanity. Hot Dock

Bad ass silver over chrome

Sweet pan

Uh, yeah

Hiromi on my Xwedge

Keiji Kawakita, Hot Dock.
Look at the sticker on his bike, Jeff! he is excited to be competeing with you!

A bunch of cool sportys this year

Bull original Gangsta shit!

Me and Minako from W&W the only germann speaking japanese girl i know!

Shige and his trusty steed!

Why the fuck does metzler have to make a 24" tire?


More pix are coming....
these are just a randon sampling of whats at Cool Breaker!
Drooling over these bikes! That petrol cap is off the hook!