Courtesy of Bob Coulter
Road Course Blog Adam Wrights book deal
Sparetime Another killer Japanese blog
Skallywag Magazine Oh yes....
Superco Trevelen's Super Company Customs
Test and Research Pilots, Aircraft Engineers Amazing history
CHOP EX MACHINA Wrenchbenders Blog
Gizmodo CRazy Gadjet shit
Crazybabe Bob Coulter's site, the most insane, hottest naked girls anywhere
Death Machine Kyles Death Machine
Wingnuts The vintage club
The WORLD/ Psycho Wheels Nao's killer shop in Japan
Modern Mechanix Great stuff!
Fuck You Heroes '78 Itsumi's insane blog, I wish I could read it.
4Q Conditioning Max Schaff's
Claire Adams: an optimistic view of 42 Claire is a doll, a really flexible one.
Deadalicious Crazy French guys with neat shit
Scooter McRads Neat hot rod shit
Ashley Blue Wow, all I can say is read it.
Iamacatrancher Heather is insane, she rules, and insane in a good way.
Flying Dutchman's His blog is back
Beer Bait & Ammo yup!
Mostly Uninteresting is pretty Interesting, thanx Mike!
Strobist Photo stuff
The Vintagent Great old motorcycle stuff
BaD ADVICe Kimberly Kane, yes she rules.
FAKE Another rad Japanese site
Toons at war neat vintage Disney WWII artwork
Joe Smith Racing Not really a blog, but neat
((( NOISE ))) T-Bones new blog
Okay, thats the current list. I will also in a week, (When it's off the first page) make this list of blogs a permanent part of my blog.
I'm going to bed now.
and don't send me your blog and ask to be on the link list damnit! But feel free to send me the address of neat blogs. Especially vintage aviation related ones...