Thursday, May 15, 2008

Hey Goose...

So, when I built my X-Wedge I used the taillight from my flat track evo. It's neat, it's little, I made it years ago one day after work.

Since I need a light as the flat tracker has become a "streettracker," I had to make a new one as street bikes need lights!

Im pretty happy with this one, made it this evening. I need to order a new LED element for it, and it's all aluminum as the other one has a brass retaining ring, I didn't have any brass...

Goose? You want one? You will have to talk me into it. Once I get this one done I HAVE to go back to finishing the Mini cast one, but what has held me up on that one is the lens and I have the lens figured out.


  1. dave u make the koolest stuff your my hero!!!

  2. Let me know when the mini is done Dave. Mini tail lights are the raddest.
