Sunday, March 23, 2008



  1. ewwww. that's totally me playing 'dress up stripper' in my moms boots when i was 12. (minus the boobs, i didn't get mine until i started eating i my late 20's)

    perv. i hope you feel like a gross old man.

  2. That's nice, a good bumpy cellulitey ass, nice, kinda reminds me of a breakfast from Waffle House.

  3. she doesn't have a bumpy ass! jesus if she's got a waffle house ass then i am NEVER, EVER taking my clothing off again... even to play 'dress up stripper'

  4. It's not like her b-hind is extra bumpy or anything, just a wee dimple here and there, she's perfect, I'd scatter, smother, cover and slather her anytime. I take my clothes off in public all the time and I'm no Fabio I can tell you, shameless, yes....fer sure.
