Tuesday, September 30, 2008


It;s 2:20 am tuesday morning, I am back up and running. Almost, I have to recopy all my email into windows and then I can get back to replying to emails...

What a pain this has been. About 5 years ago, i had a hard drive fail. Cost me over a thousand dollars to get all my stuff back.
Now I have everything running backups nightly to 2 different external drives. But now I realize that i need to have backups of my mail program stuff too, then i coudl have just reformatted and reinstalled and i'd have been fixed last night...

Oh well, I'm goin to bed, have to be up in downtown LA tomorrow morning at 9 and then into the valley to pick up some other stuff...




  1. I haven't done it yet, but a lot of my friends are using Google Apps to have their own name at personaldomain.com email hosted by Gmail. That way you can get to it from any computer or even your phone and you never have to back it up.


  2. You may have heard this before but you might want to try an Apple. An old one is more stable than a brand new. Mines 7 years old and its crashed like only twice and even then I didnt loose one file not one.

  3. Fuck I hope you get things up an running, Can't get through the day with out this Blog!!
