Thursday, April 30, 2009


Ok, I am sitting here reading about all these companies that make footpegs and foot controls lately. Is it just me or has everybody forgotten that when you ride the motorcycle, it leans to one side or the other and the first thing to hit the ground (Unless you have a stupid large belt drive) is your footpeg. Now, with a fixed footpeg, it jams the ground and can, in extreme circumstances lift the back wheel ending up with the rider being high sided and crashing! Seen it happen.

Now, every motorcycle manufacturer in the world makes their bikes so when you lean the bike over and if the footpeg hits the ground it folds up, causing the rider no problems.

Maybe the rest of these people forgot that you are supposed to ride your motorcycle...

Dunno, maybe it's just me.


  1. How about Triumphs?

  2. +1 on that,
    had someone ask me why i didnt just weld my pegs to the frame...
    this seems like a very bad idea and as your experience has obviously taught you, it clearly is a terrible idea.

    speaking of which i need to get some custom pegs from you.

  3. yeah, it killed a buddy up here in oregon. well the truck did, but the peg diggin into the asphalt on a turn threw him that way.

  4. I was just talking to someone today who said their friend did that with theirs.....and he's been racing bikes his whole life, you'd think he would know better.

  5. I know what you're talkin about Dave, but, I DON'T HAVE PEGS, hint, hint. DEATH BOUND....DEREK

  6. Actually, depends on how high they are mounted, kickstands can actually be worse. Lots of aftermarket billet shit controls are all rigid mounted.. low forwards like that do suck.

  7. Form over function is fucked. fuckin fixed foot pegs put me into the side of a cliff a couple years ago and ruined a good bike. My 80 sporty has OG pegs on it that are very functionable. Only OG thing on it for good reason. its a no brainer. function over form.

  8. i only run pegs that fold down...

  9. It's just you. Most custom bikes built with fixed pegs can be ridden just fine.
    Folding pegs wont change the fact that a rigid frame chopper isn't a smart choice for canyon carving.
    You just have to be smart enough to know the limits of the bike you're riding.
    It's no different than say, riding your Panhead with no front brake. I'm sure you're aware that every motorcycle manufaturer in the world uses a front brakes, right?
    And hey, you gota quit trying to be the "who rides and how much" cop. I'm sure there're a few riders out here with more miles than you.

  10. its obviously not just me.

    i never claim to ride a ton of miles, there are people i know who ride 5 times what i do on a regular basis. I rarely get to ride as much as id like to.

    everyone uses a front brake? damn...

    and true i have riden plenty of custom bikes with fixed footpegs and not had a problem with them.
    doesn't mean i like em.

    and yes, cro, kickstands are worse. wrecked my pan due to a kickstand once, yah my fault, pushing that limit, then i hit a bump....

  11. Yeah, turned super tight on my shovel last week, kickstand jacked my rear end up, bounced a few times, held it together.. Got back to the shop and took off the stand ;-) I want to lay it low.

  12. just run them as high as your knees can handle it

  13. funny-I have bent Triumph pegs back so many times and wondered WTF-then I took a corner an boom-shit got squirlly. hinged pegs, kick stand on the rear loop...

  14. Totally True!!!! Laid a Suzukie Intruder 1400 down and crashed due to this very shit!!! ALL PEGS NEED TO FOLD UP, so you can live through the leans.. alotta shit out there thanks for lookin out!
