My computer is kinda ll back, I still need to do a bunch of moving stuff around.
But, I got my email all back, so if you sent m,e an email and havent heard from me, bear with me, i'll get to it within the next two days.
So, i had to go up to downtown LA and pickup some wax chasing supplies, Jedd and Kyle, you will be happy about that.
that was no big deal, but I had to run up to the valley and on my wy to the valley I learned a valuable lesson
I was in the fast lane of the 101 heading north on my TLS, accelerating up to my normal travel speed, shifting into 6th and , nothing. downshifted, nothing...
I look down and there is my chain , trailing from the side of my swingarm...
I immediately get over and roll off at echo park. I make some calls and i get a ride to a few different bikeshops, looking for the correct masterlink.
Not easy to find.
But, i made it over to Cycle shop, on 1645 N Glendale, the guys there had a link! wth a clip no less, not a presson one that I wouldnt be able to install.
Rad, I go back to my biker and get it on
sort of
the outer plate (OF COURSE) is too tight to press on the back link.
I dont want to buy more tools, i had already gone and bought a 8mm wrench to get the front spkt cover off.
So I do another stupid move, i stuck the clip on without the side plate!
I only did it coz the shop was all of a mile and a half away and i'd go slow...
So, I made it over there and one of the guys fully fixed it up for me, pressed it on clipped it, lubed it and even did an adjustment!
so, if you are ever over ther and you need something stop in and tell em i sent ya!
Mike rules!

I had seen the shop a million times but had never been in...
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