Well, they ran at the Bub nationals and had some major handling problems.
The fork that they were running that would have been fine on the street yet at 120mph the bike went into a bad shake! Not a place that you want a shake, Eric said he had never felt anything like it. They have since made some changes to the frame and have installed the tried and true 39mm Showa fork.

So, they are going back to the salt next week for the World Finals, Eric said that the bike had so much power that he didnt even get it out of second gear out there and was pissed that he didnt have a chance to get the power to the salt!.
So, as all things should be inline, lets have em get that fucker up into 5th and break 200!
Bananas! Perfect place for that ignition box!!! It's like lookin' at the Bolt Grinder. The more you look at it, the more you see. Any pics of the other side? Larry from PA